These sounds are, of course, Freeware, because... Well, they are sounds for crissakes. However, they are not public domain. Which means that they are copyrighted to me. If anyone, say... just as an example of course... enters a contest and wins computer hardware claiming they created one of my sounds, it will become a legal issue (okay, yes, it has happened). Please read the terms at the bottom.
If you wish to do something in payment, then write nasty EMail to anyone who includes Readme documents in slow loading programs (MS Word), or programs most people don't have (MacWrite) despite the fact that EVERYONE has Simpletext. Or donate to the NEA. Or stop drinking Snapple. If you do these things, I might come back to America. For those that were around for volume 1, I have long since left the girlfriend... but all of the advice and concern was very kind.
Well, I'm Dave, an American expatriate stage & film actor, writer, and teacher in Prague. I have a little Powerbook 150 with nothing but a Printer port, Modem port, and SCSI. No built-in mic, monitor options, or color. But then I bought the wonderful Connectix QuickCam™ and suddenly had "video" and audio input via the printer port. So these sounds might not be the best of audio perfection, but they are meant to be fun - not to admire bouncing between speakers, great clarity and all that crap.
** Anyways, here is Volume 4 of some sounds I made for no reason but to amuse people. My first reaction immediately after uploading Volume 1 was embarrassment... I wasn't sure if my humor was to be appreciated. However, after an overwhelming response and several suggestions. I'm back with yet another new set. Again I threw in some potential alerts. Hope you like Volume 4. Once again, I am always jonesing for EMail. Please do. Let me know... uh, something.
I would also like to heartily thank Nick Burr for making these sounds available on his extremely entertaining and well-constructed web page: Nick's Net. Without Nick's page my parents would never have been able to listen to some of the obnoxious behavior that they endured throughout my youth, right on their computer from 5000 miles away. That's right, despite my coaxing, they took the PC route having never known the joy of Macintoshing. Check out:
Nick’s Net at:
The Wacked Sounds Page at:
Dave Ulrich
Wacked Wares
Oh yeah.... A Disclaimer.... They're sounds for chrissakes. But if your computer explodes or anything else happens that makes you want to sue me when you are playing these sounds, know that I said here in this document, that you use these sounds at your own risk. I also take no responsibilty for bad taste or offending you.
LEGAL TERMS: Feel free to upload anywhere or include on any CD-ROM as long as they are unaltered, in tact, and include this "readme" file. Exceptions will be made only with permission from me, the author. Any distribution without credit to the author may result in legal action. DO NOT USE THESE SOUNDS TO MAKE MONEY OR RECEIVE GIFTS VIA CONTESTS OR WHAT-NOT.